Lovely results in Geneva! Many thanks to all owners who entrusted me with their lovely dogs!
19.11.2016 IDS Geneva
Flatcoated Retriever (Sandra Schär, CH):
- Almanza Secret Of Success- "Tian" vp1, Best Puppy Of Breed!
- Ch. Dakota Spirit Kippari- "Uli" Exc1, CAC = NEW SWISS SHOW CHAMPION!! (championcl.)
- jCh. Camwood Well Done- "Donna" Exc1, CAC (opencl.)
- MultiCh. Twilight Star's Part Of My Life- "Tosca" Exc2 resCAC, resCACIB (championcl.)
Group 7 (Judge J. Medard-Mangin, FR)
- Gordon Setter "EUW-13 Yukki Hill Walk Of Fame To Fairray" RESERVE BEST IN GROUP!!
Senior Handling Competition (Judge Maya Delaquis, CH):
- BEST IN SHOW with the beautiful Afghane "Golddragon Mr. Ralphitp" !!!
20.11.2016 IDS Geneva
Flatcoated Retriever (Manuela Schär, CH):
- Almanza Secret Of Success- "Tian" vp1, Best Puppy Of Breed!
- Ch. Dakota Spirit Kippari- "Uli" Exc1, CAC, resCACIB (championcl.)
- Dakota Spirit Into The Wild- "Kaos" Exc2, resCAC (opencl.)
- jCh. Camwood Well Done- "Donna" Exc1, CAC = NEW SWISS CHAMPION & NEW SWISS SHOW CHAMPION!! (opencl.)
- MultiCh. Twilight Star's Part Of My Life- "Tosca" Exc2 resCAC (championcl.)
Golden Retriever (Michael Gruber, CH):
- Lozung All Eyes On Me- "Flynn" vg (opencl.)
"Phito" & me winning the handling competition!! <3 Thanks again Steffi for entrusting me this amazing boy!!
"Uli" closed his Swiss title by winning championclass both days! <3 Thanks Vittoria for your trust!!